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What's a "Short Line?" and other Reimagine RTS FAQs

May 21, 2018



As you may have heard, RTS is conducting a study called Reimagine RTS. The study is exploring changes to the fixed-route transit system in Monroe to better meet the changing needs of the region. Here's a quick video that provides an overview of the plan:

When learning about  the draft transit plan, some people are unclear about some of its features.  Below are a few of the most common questions and their answers:

What's a Short Line? What's  a Long Line?
Short Line: trips that only cover a designated portion of a route. Short lines are used to provide increased frequency on higher-demand segments of a route, for example, on the 1 Lake between the RTS Transit Center and Eastman Business Park.

Long Line: trips that cover the entire portion of a route. For example, the 1 Lake runs from the RTS Transit Center all the way to Charlotte Beach.

What's a Crosstown Route?
Crosstown route: a route that connects communities without traveling downtown. These routes do not serve the RTS Transit Center but connect with many routes that do.

What's a Connection Hub?
Connection hub: a designated point where customers may transfer between multiple RTS routes or connect from the RTS fixed route system to other modes of transportation in order to get to their final destinations. Some of these other modes may include vanpool, carshare, bikeshare, or Uber/Lyft. Community Mobility Zone: areas to pilot more cost-effective mobility solutions (for example, shared-ride trips, destination shuttles, vanpools, etc.). These pilot projects will be developed in conjunction with the community.

You can find more information about the draft plan, along with FAQs, upcoming Reimagine RTS events, and our brief survey so we can collect your feedback at

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