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How Do You Like *Your* Open Houses?

October 17, 2016
feedback yes and no.jpg Every few months, RTS holds a Enjoy the Ride Open House, and we'd like to know which type you prefer.

Enjoy the Ride Open Houses are a chance to learn about what’s happening at RTS, ask questions, and share your thoughts. We usually hold them in one of two ways: 

Information Stations
We have 4 to 5 stations, each focused on a single topic, plus a general customer information station. The information stations let you ask questions, give feedback,  focus on the topics that interests you -- and skip over topics that you have less interest in. 

There are usually two sessions held in one weekday (the morning commute or lunchtime, and again during the evening commute) at the RTS Transit Center.  You can drop in to a session your convenience.

Audience Presentation
In an auditorium setting, an RTS representative uses PowerPoint to present current topics and takes some questions from the audience. 

The presentation takes typically runs 20-30 minutes. There is just one session held, usually scheduled to start between 5:15 - 6 pm on weeknight, at a downtown location in Rochester.

Please take our very short survey and let us know your preferred format for Customer Open Houses!

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