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Keeping It Safe

At RTS Genesee, we work hard to give our passengers a safe and secure ride. But you can help too! Just follow these simple steps:

  • Be aware of where the emergency exits, windows and ceiling hatches are located.
  • Always follow the directions of your Bus Operator and other transit officials.
  • Children 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Report items that may be have been lost or left behind to your Bus Operator, other transit officials, or police officers.
  • Be on the alert for suspicious activity involving people or packages.

If you see something, say something. Report people who:

  • Loiter, stare or watch employees and passengers in a suspicious manner.
  • Pace around, act nervous or “jumpy.”
  • Abandon items and quickly depart.
  • Act in a disorderly manner and disturb others.
  • Use cameras, cellphone cameras, or other photographic equipment in secure transit facilities.
  • Carry a weapon or appear to have a weapon.
  • Wear clothing that is extremely inappropriate for the weather such as a heavy coat on a hot day.
  • Show signs of illness or distress.

Report suspicious packages that:

  • Are placed in an unusual, out-of-the-way location. 
  • Have attached batteries, wires, tanks, bottles or bags that might contain chemicals or explosives. 
  • Appear to be leaking smoke, mist, gas, vapor, odor or fluid. 
  • Have a threatening note attached or match a description in a publicized threat.

WARNING: Do not touch suspicious items or confront someone who is acting suspiciously. Notify your Bus Operator, other RTS Genesee employee or a local police officer – or call 911 – right away.